Layflat Albums

From $180.00

Beautiful and functional, Layflat Books are handmade albums that showcase your photos beautifully and elegantly. Ideal for albums that are filled with images you want to revist time and time again. Great for coffee table conversation starters, and elegantly displaying your beautiful photos.


All Layflat Albums start with 10 spreads (Up to 20 images). Each spread takes up two full pages and lay perfectly flat side by side in order to display your photos in large format. 20 images will display with only one image per page instead of displaying across both pages. Minimum of 10 images must be chosen for the album. 

Additional Spreads are available in each size for an additional $10-15 per spread depending on size. 

When you order, I will reach out and we can discuss all the options available. Premium covers, design options, and other factors may change the cost of the albums. These prices are estimates based on the more basic options for album design. We can work together to create your dream album in your price range!



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